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Reg. PQUA Nº 1623 - SENASA

It is a contact, systemic and stomach insecticide, it acts at the level of the insect's nervous system, causing paralysis or death. For the preparation, add the amount of PROTEO SC to be used in half the volume of water to be applied, shake well until a stable solution is obtained and complete the amount of water. If you use a non-ionic surfactant, add it last and stir again.

PROTEO SC can be applied with any ground equipment, manual sprayer, atomizer or tractorized equipment, as long as it is in good working order and provided with adequate nozzles (preferably empty cone type).


Crop / Pest
Onion: Trips
Rice: White Leaf Virus Cigarette


    Frasco x 250 ml

    Frasco x 500 ml

    Frasco x 1 Lt

    Frasco x 4 Lt

    Cilindro x 20 Lt

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