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Prethor 48 EC

Chlorpyrifos 480 g / L EC) PQUA No. 321 - SENASA
Phosphor Insecticide control of ampio spectrum, is used in all crops and for most of insecticides that attack the foliage and stem crops. It has action contact, ingestion and leavening.

Crop / Plague
Artichoke: Large drill bollworm
Corn: Maggots Cogollero
Pepper: Earthworm
Asparagus: Earthworm
Strawberry: fruit Bedbug
Onion: Thrips
Avocado: Thrips
Tangerina: Quesera coma
Grape: Cochinilla harinosa






    Bottle  x 1/4 Lt

    Bottle  x 1 Lt

    Bidón x 20 Lts

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