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Pendalin 400 EC

(Pendimethalin 400 EC) No. 406- PQUA AG- SENASA
Pre-emergent systemic herbicide, highly selective weed control grasses and annual broadleaf. Inhibits cell division in the growth points of weeds in crops such as onions.

Crop / Plagues
Artichoke: Milk, Love Seco, Yuyo, Grass Gallinazo
Onion: Yuyo, Purslane, Rabo de Zorro, Moco turkey, dry Love, Coquillo, Grass Gallinazo, Grama China, Cadillo, Pata de Gallina
Strawberry: Pega Pega y Moco de pavo


    Bottle  x 1 Lt

    Bidón x 20 Lts

    Cilynder  x 200  Lts

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