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Kobres - Liq

(Copper Penta cupric) 317-97 - AG - SENASA
Bactericidal fungicide for the control of "Rancha" in tomato and potato; "Blot" of the vine; "Roya" in asparagus; "Bacteriosis" in watermelon and pumpkin; controls algae and lichens in fruit and others.


Crop  / Plague
Potato : Ice
Gourd : Yellow
Onion: Downy
Apple: algae and lichens
Sandia: Red Tearing
Tomato . burned
Grape: Black Rot
Asparagus: Roya
Avocado: dieback
Strawberry: Sadness
Quinoa: Mildiu
Rice: Bacterial blight of the panicle


    Frasco x 1 Lt

    Bidón x 4 Lts

    Bidón x 20 Lts

    Cilindro x 200 Lts

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