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Reg. PQUA Nº 1459 - SENASA

It is composed of difenoconazole and azoxystrobin and has a systemic and contact mode of action. For its application, mix the recommended dose in a little water until a uniform suspension is obtained. Then empty the content into a cylinder or application tank and fill with water up to the total capacity. Apply with a manual or motorized backpack seeking to obtain a fine droplet size for adequate crop coverage.

Cultivos / Plagas

Grape / Oidiosis
Paprika / Powdery mildew
Avocado / cladosporium
Asparagus / Pear spot
Onion / Pear stain
Coffee / coffee rust
Rice / Pyricularia


    Frasco x 250 ml.

    Frasco x 500 ml.

    Frasco x 1 Lt.

    Frasco x 4 Lt.

    Cilindro x 200 Lts.

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