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Fertiphos Plus is a concentrated formula comprised of nine of the thirteen nutritional elements that plants require.

10 Mar

In the event of FRUTICIA 2016 Grupo Andina presents the fertilizer "Fertiphos Plus" which is a concentrated formula comprised of nine of the thirteen nutritional elements that plants require removing the soil, among which phosphorus Monovalent with 20% and calcium with a further 36% concentration of the other secondary elements and microelements.
Using "Fertiphos Plus" as crediting of funds-and blueberry planting other crops allows the plant immediately available phosphorus contributed to generate greater root mass and simultaneously condition the soil for crop development. It also allows lengthen the life post harvest fruit, ie fruit has greater shelf life mainly due to the contribution of calcium.
This fertilizer is formulated to be used in fertilization programs for the initial stages in the phases of crops, specifically in the cultivation of Blueberry 20 g / plant is used at the bottom of the pit at the time of transplant sowings final field and / or in the preparation of substrates for planting in bags. In this way, we ensure that a larger root volume, which will allow better absorption of water and nutrients to obtain a leaf development very well structured, with outbreaks of very good size and diameter which will provide very well-formed plants to spend to be formed production stage.
Fertiphos Plus has been formulated considering the conditions and predominant type of soil on the coast of the country which are slightly alkaline and in some cases with problems of carbonates and salinity, Fertiphos Plus is a fertilizer acid reaction thus destroys the presence of carbonate in the ground, specifically in the area of ​​the fertilizer preventing the phosphorus contributed to freeze and / or retrograde ensuring 100% availability and assimilation of fertilized crops. It also has a very high solubility in response to short time requirement of the plant.